July 07, 2021 | 1 min read
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How AI Can Help Boost Your Company’s Network

Francois Champagne

Senior Solutions Engineer

According to a recent survey by McKinsey, businesses in a variety of industries have had to cram a decade’s worth of digital transformation into the space of a few short months to weather the pandemic. While investment in some areas slowed down, global spending on digital transformation technologies actually increased by 10% throughout 2020. 

If we needed any more convincing, research by Statista found that the two top priorities of CEOs when it comes to helping their businesses persevere through the COVID-19 crisis are cutting-edge digital transformation and improving the remote work experience.

Put simply, the pandemic has been tough for businesses. Necessity being the mother of invention, however, often means that technology comes to the rescue in the form of innovative game-changing solutions. Sometimes those solutions are something new entirely, but often they’re a fusion of existing technologies into one, dynamic force. In this article, we’ll talk about the application of AI when it comes to optimizing network speed – something that has become of paramount importance in 2021.

The increased importance of connectivity 2021

If there’s any small silver lining to be gleaned from the pandemic, it’s that businesses renewed impetus to modernize their technology estate. This will no doubt lead to greater efficiencies and better service down the line, but that’s not to say there aren’t first challenges to overcome. For most businesses, the path to transformation will involve moving their website and applications firmly into the cloud, or even becoming a cloud-native business entirely. Remote working policies might involve technologies like virtual desktops to ensure continuity. Whatever path a business chooses to take on its journey to the cloud, the one unifying factor will be connectivity.

Connectivity can make or break cloud transformation. But here’s the thing – the quality of a company’s internet connection doesn’t necessarily rest squarely with its chosen internet service provider. Even with the best internet service on the market today, a business can still struggle to streamline its operations if the underlying connectivity is poor due to general traffic congestion during busy periods. That’s where AI tools can make all the difference.

Interested to learn more about how to optimize the network performance with AI tools? Read my full article as published in Techspective.

Francois Champagne

Senior Solutions Engineer

Francois is a ccie certified senior solution engineer at Expereo. With almost 30 years of consultancy and design experience, Francois leverages his deep technical understanding of underlay, overlay and security to deliver innovative solutions tailored to your business requirements.

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