March 16, 2021 | 4 min read
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Expereo chosen ‘Partner of the Year’ by Eurofiber

Expereo team

As René de Baerdemaeker, our Director of Supplier Management, previously said, we at Expereo go above and beyond cost targets when choosing and managing our suppliers, putting a lot of effort into the relationships we build with them. That’s because we understand that the secret to the success of every partnership agreement is rooted in trust and respect, where both parties involved join and complement one another’s efforts towards a common goal.  

In that sense, it is important that the companies we form alliances with share similar goals, so that our values are augmented when combined. Once we know where to buy and from whom, we make sure to get them on board and make them more than just suppliers – they are our partners. So much so, we have been recently named ‘Partner of the Year’ by Eurofiber, at the Fiber Talks 2021 virtual event.  

Eurofiber provides industry-leading digital infrastructure worldwide. It works closely with high-standard corporations, including Expereo, to allow customers to tap into the full potential of digital innovation. The annual partner event celebrates not only the good cooperation with partners, but also the exchange of knowledge and consequent developments.   

Scaling up business with automated processes 

Our partnership with Eurofiber revolves particularly around a successful collaboration in the implementation of a new API which has automated Eurofiber’s processes from order entry to delivery. The automated features remove the need of paper forms, accelerating business operations. It also shows customers Eurofiber’s network availability according to location, in real-time.  

Of course, implementing and automating these processes required tests and trials that were done in conjunction with Eurofiber, so that we made sure to fix any potential problems in the system beforehand. As a result, there has been a substantial increase in the number of Eurofiber orders via Expereo technology – that’s what we call a ‘win-win’ relationship.  

Better catering to your needs through technology 

This achievement was only possible because Eurofiber and Expereo share the same philosophy. In simple terms, companies in the network connectivity industry need to alternate in order to remain scalable. If internet requirements from customers grow, and providers need to attend to the increased demand by adding manual work to their operations, that will not only drive cost levels but also increase the probability of false errors taking place. By having an automated system that caters to each individual customer requirement almost immediately, companies can reduce costs and offer better, quicker services instead. Providers can react faster and more adequately to their customers’ needs.   

Automation-driven business strategies 

Automation is increasingly at the core of our business at Expereo. Our Cloud Acceleration optimization engine, for instance, continuously and automatically probes all Internet destination networks, selecting the best route in real-time. Once clients are plugged into our platform, they can enjoy the peace of mind of having the optimal performance for their Cloud applications.

 Sounds interesting? Learn more about Cloud Acceleration.


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