January 31, 2024 | 5 min read
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6 ways application performance impacts your cloud strategy

CIOs everywhere are testing approaches to maximize the value of their cloud strategy. The majority of tech leaders expect to host at least half of their applications in the cloud by 2025. By 2030, the global earnings potential from cloud optimization is estimated to be over $1 trillion. The opportunities the cloud presents are huge. From leveraging next-generation software applications to tapping into new growth markets, the benefits are clear. However, there’s one key factor that is foundational to success: application performance.

Ultimately, the user experience hinges on how well application performance supports your cloud investments. If your web applications perform poorly, you won’t realize the full benefits. This can undermine both customer experience and internal productivity.

Ultimately, achieving agility and the necessary network bandwidth for seamless data sharing requires your traffic to follow the best-performing network path, reducing latency, delays, and packet loss.

In our latest whitepaper, we explored the impact network congestion, latency and jitter can have on your application performance and your cloud strategy. Without proper network performance optimization, your cloud environments and investments may fall short of expectations.

But knowledge is power, so arming yourself with an understanding of the pitfalls of network performance on your cloud strategy will help you overcome them.

6 impacts of poor application performance

Firstly, unless you can ensure predictable and reliable network performance your business is left open to several fundamental issue.

These include:

1. Inefficiency and imperfect experiences

High latency, congested network connections, and data loss can lead to application performance failures. Unfortunately, this increases the pressure on your IT teams. Time spent resolving issues takes away the time they have to improve IT services. Continuously monitoring the performance of your software applications prevents inefficiencies and helps deliver a seamless user experience.

2. Wasted resources and hindered transformation

When your network performance fails to meet expectations, you won't get the full ROI from your IT investments. This can reduce enthusiasm for further cloud transformation. It limits your ability to create innovative customer experiences and fully leverage the power of your public cloud and cloud applications. Optimizing application performance is essential to avoid wasted resources.

3. A drag on productivity

Without robust network connectivity across all regions, you risk inconsistent access and collaboration issues. When employees cannot rely on the applications and services they need, productivity suffers. Managing networks to ensure consistent performance across all locations and devices is vital for operational efficiency.

4. Slower response times

Latency not only impacts daily operations but also affects your ability to respond to urgent business needs. When application performance is limited, employees struggle to meet increased IT demands. This leads to poor customer experiences and delays in service. Improving network performance is crucial for maintaining efficiency and responsiveness.

5. Difficulty with transactions

Slower applications, packet loss, and poor network connections can slow down customer transactions. This increases the risk of missed opportunities. These issues, combined with reduced productivity, can negatively affect both short-term revenue and long-term customer loyalty. Similarly, load balancing and optimizing network paths ensure smoother transactions and protect your revenue.

6. Lost revenue

Customers need reliable access to your digital services. Poor application performance can severely impact your revenue and business goals. To protect profitability and maximize the ROI of your cloud investments, improving application and network performance should be a top priority.

How can you improve your applications’ performance?

To address issues caused by unpredictable application performance, you need a solution that optimizes how applications connect to employees and customers across global Internet networks. The Internet offers excellent global coverage but is fragmented. Ensuring your traffic follows the best-performing network path is key to business continuity and success.

However, this requires a network connectivity solution that helps you connect to the best-performing network path where you need it. While simultaneously and continually reviewing and identifying the best-performing path. Expereo has designed our Enhanced Internet with these needs in mind.

Enhanced Internet resolves the core issues of app performance and proactively directs internet traffic along the best-possible network path in each location. By navigating around congestion and performance problems in real-time, performance problems can be eliminated at the network level. Consequently, this secures the value of your cloud applications and investments. With Enhanced Internet, network devices and network bandwidth are optimized to keep traffic flowing smoothly across the most efficient routes.

For full detail on our Enhanced Internet solution and how it could work for you, read our new whitepaper.

How can you confirm application performance is improving?

With our management platform, expereoOne…

Whether your business is using Enhanced Internet or another solution, monitoring the performance of your applications and network should be a non-negotiable part of your strategy. You need full visibility into your network—from data centers to network devices to the cloud.

That means visibility of:

  • Users and requirements.
  • Network orders.
  • Performance, support and more.

When you work with Expereo, we build visibility into the foundation. You can use our dedicated management platform, expereoOne, to easily monitor and manage network performance. All your solutions, from Enhanced Internet and Global Internet to Fixed Wireless Access or SD-WAN are visible in one place, giving you complete control over your infrastructure and performance. Together, we work with you to advise on the best types of networks for your specific needs and provide detailed insights into how they perform and contribute to your strategy.

Finally, with a clearer view of your networks, you can make the right decisions for your business. See how expereoOne helps you build control and keep your business continuity and IT investments safe here.

Let’s connect and see how Expereo can take you faster to the future

Get in touch with our expert team to learn more about how Expereo can help you design, build, and manage the right network performance solutions to enhance your cloud applications, drive better user experiences, and improve business outcomes.


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