August 04, 2020 | 4 min read
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3 things to know when connecting your business sites in China

Expereo team

Enterprises of all sizes are continuing to realize the benefits of moving to the Cloud and as such, they will also require high-quality Internet connectivity to guarantee high-performance access to those Cloud applications. This is a simple task when dealing with local providers but may prove to be a challenge when connecting distributed sites abroad – having to deal with multiple ISPs, different languages, time zones, invoices in foreign currencies, and foreign regulations, to name a few.  

And then there is China. 

With its own particular regulations and the so-called “Chinese firewall”, international Enterprises are faced with a whole host of new challenges when trying to connect their regional sites. But there’s good news! Partnerships with middle-mile providers enhance our existing services to increase performance and reduce latency despite the “Chinese firewall”. 

So, where to start when connecting your sites in China? 

  1. Know your basics: The Chinese firewall.

As the world's second-largest economy and number one manufacturer, hundreds of multinational companies are setting up offices and factories in China. As a result, the need for increased Internet access in China has exponentially grown over the years. 

And while many ISPs are operating within the country, bringing your data in or out of China requires it to go through what is known as the “Chinese Firewall”. The result is that Internet speed slows down tremendously, often reflected in poor connectivity, high latency, and packet loss. 

At Expereo, we are continuously learning and working with our trusted local partners who specialize in taking Internet through the Chinese firewall to develop solutions for our customers. 

  1. China – from end to end.

China is a big country – no news there. What’s less obvious is the complexity of dealing with local ISPs on the ground. For example, certain buildings may favor some ISP providers causing great hindrance to customers asking for diversity in their Internet access. 

Getting the right VPN or SD-WAN solution is another challenge for many Enterprises. At Expereo we take a local approach. In partnership with our great local partners, our team of experts brings agility and know-how to the process. Our understanding of China’s business culture makes it much easier to help our customers find their way in this big country. 

  1. Choosing the right provider – where to start.

Due to the “relaxation” of local regulations, the market has allowed for many small and medium-sized ISPs to appear who seem to offer the “best services with the best value for your money.” However, they try to earn fast money by finding the loophole in local regulations; hence their offerings may not meet the local government laws. ISPs that are focused only on one specific region are quite common in China, making it difficult to find one that covers all the areas you need. 

So, where to start? We believe in doing things right, so we only work with local partners with ISP licenses and certifications approved by Chinese authorities – so your Internet connections are safe and lawful. 

Learn more about Global Internet.


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